Monday, March 21, 2011


It has been amazing outside the past couple of weeks... There is still a chill in the air, but it doesn't stop the short sleeves from coming out!

Max is getting more and more mobile; he is standing, crawling ALL over the place and mimics Leo and Sofie. He has grown quite fond of our sitter, Lauren.... He looooves her!

Sofie is still trying to understand the concept of soccer games.... She has had 3 games, so we are thinking she will get it by the end of the season.

Leo is talking more and more.... Slowly but surely! I'm starting to research activities that I can do with him to help his speech; if anyone out there knows of some good websites, hook me up!

Last week I had to drop a bunch of packages off at the post office...and when I have the kids with me, the mall location is the easiest for me. So off to the mall we went!

Of course after I dropped the packages, I *had* to just pop into Gymboree to check out the new lines. I ended up walking out with a bag full of cloths, mostly for Sofie. When we got home, I had her help me put all the cloths away. Now. I don't hide my purchases from my husband, he was surely going to see the transaction on our account later. But, I certainly didn't volunteer the information that I had spent a wad on Sofie that day! Well..... When he walked in that night from work, Sofie ran up to him and yelled "Daddy! Come to my room so I can try on ALL the brand new cloths mommy bought me at the MALL!!"

Busted. He just gave me a look and said "the mall huh?". Yeah. Kids can communicate now Aub... Note to self.

She also pointed out Australia this morning and said "this is Foz. It's where kangaroos live. And where beer is from.". Where does she get this stuff?!

Here are some pics from the past week....

Sofie modeling her new digs from the mall. She seriously asked me if she looked cool or sassy. (?!?!). I said, "not sure honey, let's ask Facebook!". :-)

Max and Leo chillin' at Sofies soccer game.

Max wasn't to happy about being thrown butt naked into the middle of all this grass!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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